New York Times (prior to 1958 called the New York Daily Times) 1851-2003. Includes illustrations and advertisements
More than 100 newspaper and wire services. Dates of coverage vary.
More than 180 U.S. and international newspapers from 1994-present. Selected articles.
More than 450 U.S. and international newspapers of which over 300 are in full text. Dates of coverage vary.
Current issues of the following national newspapers are located in Lovejoy Library:
Chicago Tribune, 1969-
New York Times, 1851-
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1930-
USA Today, 1988-
Wall Street Journal, 1889-
A libguide created by Dr. Linda Carlisle includes the following information:
Use the UFind Catalog to determine whether a newspaper is available in print, microfiche, or microfilm. "Narrow Your Search" on the right hand side of the page and under Format select Journal/Magazine.
Use Journal Link to determine whether a newspaper is available online.