America's LGBT Economy. National LGBT Chamber of Commerce External
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce has released the first ever snapshot demonstrating the economic and social impact of America’s leading LGBT business owners and entrepreneurs. The new report explores the types and sizes of LGBT-owned businesses currently certified by the NGLCC, the number of jobs they create, their geography, and the personal narratives of successful LGBT business owners who reflect the very best about America’s innovative and entrepreneurial spirit.
How Many Americans are Gay? by Katy Steinmetz Time May 18, 2016. External
This Time magazine article discusses the need for a full accounting of the nation’s LGBT population and how they live for legal, economic and health reasons.
LGBT Demographics | Gary Gates External
Dr. Gary J. Gates is a recognized expert on the geography and demography of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population. His site includes research and statistics on demographic and economic characteristics of the LGBT population.
LGBT Pride Month: June 2022 (U.S. Census Bureau)
This page provides links to Census statistics and data products including working papers, reports and data tables.
LGBT Stats (Williams Institute) External
Facts and figures about the LGBT community from Williams Institute policy analysts and social scientists.
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. They conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. Searching the site for LGBT will return numerous data products. Includes A Survey of LGBT Americans. External.
Same-Sex Couples (U.S. Census Bureau)
Provides data tables, working papers and other publication on same-sex couple households.
This online statistical database offers a broad range of statistics, studies and reports on the LGBTQ community including demographic, consumer, economic data. Some of the content is freely available, but full access requires subscription. Available to the Library of Congress onsite patrons.
LGBTQ+ Resources in Business and the Workplace | Library of Congress Research Guide
Advancing LGBT Workplace Rights (2014). U.S. Department of Labor
This Department of Labor report in 2014 details the progress made up to that point in time and the work in progress to advance LGBT workplace equality and to ensure LGBT workers and their families can share in the benefits of a growing economy.
America's LGBT Economy. National LGBT Chamber of Commerce External
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce has released the first ever snapshot demonstrating the economic and social impact of America’s leading LGBT business owners and entrepreneurs. The new report explores the types and sizes of LGBT-owned businesses currently certified by the NGLCC, the number of jobs they create, their geography, and the personal narratives of successful LGBT business owners who reflect the very best about America’s innovative and entrepreneurial spirit.
Corporate Equality Index External
Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2019 Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. In the 2019 CEI report, 571 major businesses — spanning nearly every industry and geography — earned a top score of 100 percent and the distinction of “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”
LGBT Diversity: Show Me The Business Case Report External
Published by Out Now, this report presents a measurement of the financial impacts LGBT diversity policies make in the average workplace. The full report can be downloaded with registration.
LGBT Economic Security External
LGBT Economic Security is one of the policy issue areas Movement Advancement Project (MAP) works on. This page offers resources that provide an overview of the economic challenges LGBT people face simply because they are LGBT, including the “Paying An Unfair Price” report series released in partnership with economic security and LGBT organizations.
Open For Business Reports External
Open For Business reports represent comprehensive evidence base for the economic and business case for LGBT+ inclusion. The reports synthesize hundreds of academic studies, business reports, data set, and expert perspectives into a clear and convincing case that shows LGBT+ inclusion is good for business and good for economic growth.
LGBTQ+ Resources in Business and the Workplace | Library of Congress Research Guide