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Data Science: Data Visualization

Tools, software packages, and library resources for doing big data and data science.

Visualization tools

  • Wordle
    Worlde is a web based tool for generating "word clouds" from the text you entered. It calculates the word frequencies and allows you to choose displays the text in various colors and fonts.

  • TimelineJS
    Timeline JS is an open-source tool developed by Knight Lab at Northwestern University. It enables you to build visually rich interactive timeline using Google Spreadsheet or JSON files. It also has built-in support for Twitter, Flickr, Google Maps, YouTube, and more.

    TimelineJS Example

  • Highcharts
    Highcharts is a widely used charting library, which allows you to add interactive graphic charts to your web site. It is written in JavaScrip and knowledge in JSON and JQuery is useful to customize the options. The data can be stored within the JavaScript, JSON, or CSV.
    See the demo

  • Google Charts
    The Google Charts is similar to Highcharts, offering an easy way to add interactive graphic charts to your web site. Charts are rendered using HTML5/SVG to support cross-browsers.

  • Tableau Public
    Tableau Public is a free data storytelling application. Create and share interactive charts and graphs, stunning maps, live dashboards and fun applications in minutes, then publish anywhere on the web. Anyone can do it, it’s that easy—and it's free.
    See an example

  • D3.js
    D3.js is an open source JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you create animated and visual graphics and charts driven by data. Check out galleries of examples to see what are already available using D3.js here.

  • Google Public Data Explorer
    The Google Public Data Explorer is a web based tool to make large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. You can create interactive and animated graphics using this tool. The site offers ready-to-use visualized datasets from Europe and US governments.

    In order to create your own dataset, check out DSPL (Dataset Publishing Language). DSPL is a representation language for the data and metadata of datasets. Datasets described in this format can be processed by Google and visualized in the Google Public Data Explorer For more information about DSPL, see here.