"a framework for identifying the internal strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of a firm, and the external opportunities (O) open to it and the threats (T) it faces, which can be used by corporate planners in formulating the firm's COMPETITIVE STRATEGY and MARKETING STRATEGY in individual product markets and its overall BUSINESS STRATEGY." (SWOT Analysis. (2006). In C. Pass (Ed.), Collins Dictionary of business. London, United Kingdom: Collins. Retrieved from https://login.libproxy.siue.edu/login?url=http://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/collinsbus/swot_analysis/0)
Sources for SWOT Analysis:
A SWOT analysis will not necessarily be readily available for every company. In some cases, it might be necessary to take a competing firm and try to extrapolate to your desired firm.
Some good external links for SWOT Analysis: