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Information Literacy Instruction: Faculty Information

Planning your session

Step 1: Plan to integrate library instruction into your writing unit. 
Library instruction should be an integral part of a research paper or project that you students are working on. Students get the best learning experience from their library visit when they can clearly see the connection to their library instruction activities and the classroom activities that they’ve been working on.

Step 2: Fill out the Instruction Request Form
Make sure to fill out the instruction request for at least a week before your preferred instruction date. As the semester progresses, less slots will be available for instruction sessions.

Reminder: We ask that instructors are present for their instruction session. 

Learning Outcomes

Based on the Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, the library will coordinate with instructors to develop authentic learning outcomes for each instruction session.

The standard information literacy learning outcomes include:

  • Students work with librarians to develop intentional information seeking behavior.
  • Students identify scholarly resources that affirm or dispute their preconceptions surrounding their research topic.
  • Students understand how to get help from the library.

Some example course specific learning outcomes might include:

  • Students develop a list of keywords to use while searching for topic-related sources.
  • Students are able to critique the scholarly value of their source.
  • Students assemble their sources to better understand the scholarly communication around a certain topic.
  • Students interact with scholars by creating their own voice and expertise while researching topics within their field of study.