As defined by the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, "Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. The purpose of interlibrary loan as defined by this code is to obtain, upon request of a library user, material not available in the user's local library."
ILL is free to our users in almost all instances, however resource sharing systems are costly. That is why we subscribe to systems and/or memberships that promote the free sharing of information.
For Docline we are a Freeshare Library - Members of the Library Group FREESHARE lend to other FREESHARE libraries at no-cost ($0.00 base fee).
For RapidILL - all Rapid libraries agree to lend and borrow digital materials at no cost in a 24 hour turnaround time.
OCLC - OCLC is the traditional system used for interlibrary loan of materials in libraries. OCLC itself is not a reciprocal borrowing system, however, libraries can become LVIS libraries or "Library Very Interested in Sharing" that agree to not charge each other for ILL lending and borrowing.
*If requests are from libraries outside of these systems and/or memberships, then costs of $25/material can be accrued for us to borrow those materials (digital and/or physical).