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OpenAthens for Remote Access: OpenAthens and your Privacy

A how to for off-campus authentication using OpenAthens.

What OpenAthens Collects

For you to authenticate to gain access to LIS specific resources (databases, e-journals, and ebooks) OpenAthens collects your name, email address, and department  when you sign in.

This information is only to be used internally in LIS.  Vendors do not receive this private data because OpenAthens passes a system-generated numeric ID to resource providers.


  • Some specific vendors, like Knovel need your email address to provide you access via an account.
  • In some instances opting in to using your OpenAthens account can provide you access to special account features. For this access you may with to affiliate your OpenAthens account with your name and other personal information. 

What LIS Plans to Use

LIS will use the aggregate data concerning

  • resources (databases and publisher platforms) accessed or used
  • campus user groups (students, faculty, staff) mapped to usage of resources (databases and publisher platforms)

LIS will make every possible effort to not share this data with vendors.


OpenAthens connects with SIUE's central directory to ensure that the affiliated e-ID and password remain the one set of login credentials to access licensed online resources.

To read more more about OpenAthens, Data Security, and User Privacy on the Ebsco support site.