There are a number of benefits to having your user profile set up on Kanopy. Key features and benefits of your personal user profile and user dashboard.
Key benefits of your User Profile
Some of the key benefits of setting up are your personal user profile are:
Features on the User Profile Dashboard
Every user that signs up at Kanopy has their personal user dashboard. The key features of the user dashboard are:
The creation of a Kanopy account is not required for access. Off-campus users are required to enter your e-ID and password. affilitation, not creating a Kanopy account.
A Kanopy account allows users to make clips from titles and construct their own playlist. This personalized content can then be shared as a link or embedded.
To create your Kanopy account follow these steps.
You create your user profile by selecting the "Sign up" button at the top right of your library's Kanopy website and following the prompts.
Your user profile is required to establish yourself as an authenticated member of the institution for access and also allows us to deliver the great features of your user profile.
How to create your user profile?
1) Click "Sign up" on your library's Kanopy website
2) Set up your profile
Create your profile by either (1) using your social media account (Facebook, Google) or (2) inputting your details manually.
3) Add your library card details
The final step in the process (if you have not already been authenticated by your library through the process), you will be prompted to add your public library card details.
4) Enjoy!
You are now set up! Whenever you are signed into your user profile, you can access your ‘Dashboard’ from the top right. On the Dashboard, you can manage your personal profile details, your clips/playlists, watch list, recently watched, comments, and more. You can see more on the features of the user profile here.
On your dashboard is also a feature to manage your library "memberships" too. If you ever have trouble with this you can update your library memberships from this feature. To do so - select "My Dashboard" from the dropdown menu at the top right of the page, go to the "memberships" tab, and add then add the library or libraries that you are a member of.