Sharing films: overview
Below every film on your Kanopy website, you will see a button which says "Share/Embed." You can simply click on this button and you will see three options for sharing and embedding films:
This same button and suite of sharing and embedding tools is available below any clip or playlist you create as well.
How to Share a Film
Let's say you want to share a link to a film with others.
Below every film (and clip/playlist you create) you will notice a button for "Share / Embed." If you select this button, two tabs will appear which allow you to both share and embed the film.
The default tab here is the "Share" tab which provides a static URL link to the film to share along with various social media tools that allow you to easily one-click share films via social media platforms (note that any film shared on social media or otherwise will still be protected by your institution's on and off site authentication systems).