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Communication: Find Articles

This guide provides information about Applied Communication Studies and Mass Communications library resources.

Newspaper Databases

Some Newspaper Databases that may be relevant to your topic:

  • New York Times Web Access (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) -- Provides pdf full-text articles of the New York Times from 1851 - 2019. Great primary source for feature articles; art, music and theater reviews; biographies and obituaries and much more! (See Nexis Uni for NY Times articles from 2019 - today.)
  • Nexis Uni (LexisNexis) -- Nexis Uni offers more than 15,000 news, legal and business sources--including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.  This user-friendly interface allows for easy searching across all content, alerts, saved searches, a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents. (Lexis Nexis)
  • U.S. Major Dailies (ProQuest) --Provides access to current content and significant archives dating back to 1980 from five of the most respected U.S. national and regional newspapers: Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal.

Full-Text Articles

Some of the databases on this page, including Communication & Mass Media Complete, provide links to full-text articles in other databases. Look for a link that says "Find Full Text."  Click on this maroon red link to be guided to the full-text article (if available) or ILLiad (to obtain through Interlibrary Loan).


Interlibrary Loan


If the library doesn't have the journal you need, articles from the journal can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

The SIUE Journal Link webpage should be searched to ensure that Lovejoy Library has the particular electronic or print journal needed.