When you work with your team in Slack, you may need to collaborate on files that you’ve created in other services from time to time. Add files to your workspace to share and discuss them in Slack
How Files Work in Slack
Anyone in a conversation where a file was added can open the file and choose from these options:
Add Files from Your Device
Note: Conversations using Slack Connect may have restricted permissions for uploading and sharing files, and certain file types cannot be added at all. If you’re unable to add files to these conversations, find an owner or admin and ask for help.
File Previews
In conversations, Slack will include a preview of the file as part of your message. If it's an image file, the preview will display inline as long as it's smaller than 11,000 pixels on the longest side, or less than 45 million pixels total. Keep in mind that Microsoft Office files that are larger than 50 MB will not display a preview
Add Files from Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive
Once a file management app has been added to your workspace, you can add files to Slack by clicking the paper clip icon to the right of the message field, then selecting your preferred app. Visit an article below to get started:
Note: Files added from a file management tool will not be stored in Slack, but you can still search for and share them from your workspace.