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Faculty Resources: University Services

Center for Faculty Development and Innovation

The Center for Faculty Development is located on the second floor of the library. It is an amazing resource for faculty support. 

Check out their website for more information on ways they can help and support your success in all areas!


SIUE ITS is located in the basement of Lovejoy Library.  Visit their website today, to learn more about the many ways they can help and support our campus mission!

SIUE Faculty Ombuds Service

Since March 2020, ombuds visits have been taking place online or on the phone, and will continue in this format until further notice. Please email or call us with a meeting request. We will respond to you to set up a time to talk on the phone or via tools such as Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime, etc. As always, we are here to work with you as neutral listeners, information resources and intermediaries in resolving workplace issues.

The Faculty Ombuds Service was established in 2001 to provide full- and part-time faculty and administrators on all SIUE campuses with an informal and confidential option for resolving conflicts. The two faculty ombuds serve as neutral listeners, information resources and intermediaries. The assumptions for the Faculty Ombuds Service are as follows:

  • Acknowledge that conflict is an inevitable part of organizational life
  • Recognize that conflict can harm organizational unity when it is silenced, ignored or denied
  • Ensure that when conflict arises, all parties, regardless of position, have an avenue for dealing with conflict through the services of a trained ombuds faculty