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Management 441: Case Studies

This guide will provide links and search strategies to key resources that will help in locating Company and Industry information.

Tips in Locating Case Studies

Cases Studies can be located through database searches.

TIP 1:  MarketLine is a great database.  However, WE DO NOT HAVE FULL-TEXT ACCESS

I recommend performing a search and requesting the information through INTERLIBRARY LOAN.  You will receive the full text through your desktop via email access.  Please ask for help with this process if needed.

To perform a search:

As an example, in Business Source Elite

  1. Enter the term:  MarketLine
  2. Enter: case study or case stud* (retrieves variants of the word)
  3. Enter the industry such as airline industry

TIP 2:  For example in the database. Business Source Elite

Enter the term, strategic management OR strategic planning

  1. Enter one of the following terms:  case study, case studies  (Note:  You can use all of the terms at once by selecting OR  instead of AND in the search box)
  2. Enter the Company's Name, i.e., Walmart

Tip 3:  To find case studies in the ABI/Inform Complete and Business Source Elite databases, select the Advanced Search option.  Then enter your keyword and select the option to filter results by document or publication type for "Case Study."  You can also enter "case studies" in the search box and select "subject terms" in the drop down box for field type.  You can also limit to the particular industry such as "automobile industry.  NOTE:  You might also consider limiting your search results to those cases available in full-text in the database.

Resources to Locate Case Studies