The link below provides direct access to the reserves component of the catalog.
To access course reserves from off-campus when prompted for an ID number, type the prefix 21811 followed by your Cougar ID number. Leave no space between the prefix and your ID number.
Course reserves are materials (books, journal articles, videos, DVDs, etc.) which are set aside by professors for the exclusive use of students. Items may be physically shelved behind the Circulation Desk OR they may be housed online as an electronic document.
To locate where the reserve is shelved, first search Course Reserves in the SIUE Catalog. Then follow these steps:
Step One: Go to the Library's website.
Step Two: Click on the Course Reserves link.
Step Three: Select your instructor's name from the pull down menu labeled "Instructor." Knowing which course number to select will help to narrow your search. Once you have made your selection, click the "search" button.
Step Four: A listing of materials will display. If the item is being "physically" shelved at Circulation, you will see Library Location: SIUE Reserve Desk and the item's shelving location Call Number: P.C. 67. Make note of the call number as you will need to know it when you request the item at the Circulation Desk.
Step Five: If the reserve item is shelved online, in the catalog record you will see a "e Related URL," click on the link. If desired, the document may be printed.
Learn how to access course reserve items by watching the unnecessary extremes one student takes to obtain such an item from Lovejoy Library.