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Transfer Students: Databases

This guide provide an overview of library information and resources to support the success of transfer students.

Contact a Librarian

A Good Starting Place

The Library subscribes to 200 major electronic resources, which includes almost 20,000 e-Journals.  The resources may contain abstracts, citations, full text and images.

Off-Campus Access

Most databases are accessible remotely from off-campus.  However, only current SIUE faculty, staff, and students have privileges to acess the databases.  Restrictions are due to licensing and subscription agreements with vendors and publishers.

Remote access to Library databases requires login using your e-ID and password.

If you are experiencing trouble connecting to a database, please contact the Information Desk 618.650-4636 or Circulation 618.650-2172.

Journal Link

To assist you in locating e-Journals, the Library subscribes to a Journal Link tool, SFX.  If you have a citation and know the name of the journal, SFX will search for the journal title and then direct you to the appropriate database/s that may contain the full text of the article.

In many of the databases, there will be a link which says Find FUll Text (SFX).  Click on this link to be guided to the appropriate database/s.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search