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LIS Alma/PrimoVE Internal Guide: Fulfillment

Ex Libris Alma/PrimoVE

Ex Libris Alma is a cloud-based integrated library system (ILS). PrimoVE is the discovery layer, or local and union catalog for the Lovejoy Library and the CARLI consortium.

Alma will replace Voyager and SFX, and PrimoVE will replace VuFind for the 91 institutions in the CARLI I-Share resource sharing system.

Image above used with attribution:

Drake, M. (2018). Introduction to Alma Network Zone Topology. 

Key Fulfillment Terms to Know

  • Access Services – this department encompasses Circulation, Interlibrary Loan (ILL), Reserves and Shelving. 
  • Patron – Library user 
  • Charging – checking out materials to patron 
  • Discharging – checking materials back into the library from the patron 
  • Materials – these are items held at the library.  i.e.: books, DVDs, CDs (Music), CD-ROMs, Maps, Government Documents, Folio (Oversized Book), or Equipment (see Reserves). 
  • Reserves – Any type of material processed in the Reserves location in Alma and also held in a secure location. These materials can be retrieved for the patron by the staff at the service desk.
  • Course Reserves – materials put on Reserve typically by a professor for a specific class for that semester. i.e.: books, DVDs, CDs or electronic articles
  • Library Reserves/Equipment - These are Laptops, Cameras, Projectors, Calculators, SD Cards, etc. processed in the Reserves location in Alma and also held in a secure location. These materials can be retrieved for the patron by the staff at the service desk.
  • Recalls – These are items that are checked out, then needed for a professor to put on reserve for their course.  This can only be done by our Circulation/Fulfillment Managers and Circulation/Fulfillment Administrators.  
  • Holds – Materials requested from our collection by a patron (local or I-Share).  I-Share materials are requested from another library within the state, these have blue book bands. ILLiad requests are for items outside of the I-Share system and are requested through ILLIad, these items have white book bands.
  • Target – Magnetic strip placed in a book's spince or on an item that will set the gate alarm off if not desensitized at circulation. 

For a complete list of Alma/PrimoVE terms maintained by the CARLI Resource Sharing, Glossary Sub-Committee, click here.

Other Useful Resources:

Harvard Library's Glossary with Crosswalks from Aleph

Ex Libris'sAlma Glossary

LIS Fulfillment Policies


Alma requires libraries to develop simplified and maintainable physical fulfillment policies. Alma addresses fulfillment very differently from traditional ILS systems that handle fulfillment on an item-level basis where each item and each patron receive a status and policy that construct a matrix of applicable loan policies. This is no longer an option in Alma.

Alma requires that libraries manage fulfillment at a location-level and drastically cuts down on the granular policy structure that was available in Voyager.

Libraries in Alma

In the past, all locations, including the School of Dental Medicine Alton Biomedical Library, were all considered locations within one library and institution. Because of the way Alma configures circulation desks, separate libraries were created for locations within the two main libraries. These libraries are:

  • MAIN
  • SDM

Alma collapses its circulation policies by location. These are called Fulfillment Units. The following Fulfillment Units have been configured in Alma; each existing location is mapped to one of these Fulfillment Units:

  • Regular
  • Closed Stacks
  • Reserves
  • Non Circ

All circulating locations were mapped to Regular. Locations containing unique collections were mapped to Closed Stacks. Materials in Reserves were mapped to Reserves. Noncirculating, internal, and obsolete locations were mapped to Non Circ.



Alma combines circulation policies by patron using Patron Types. The following Patron Types have been configured in Alma; each currently in-use user group is mapped to one of these Patron Types:

  • Tier 1: Graduate Student, Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, Dental School
  • Tier 2: Undergraduate Student, Support Staff, Retired, Academic Employees
  • Tier 3: Local Low Privilege

Obsolete/unused local user groups weren’t mapped and will be deleted after migration.

Policies, TOU, & Rules


For all patron types, the following configurations apply:

  • Amount owed before block: $75.00
  • Number of overdue items before block: 10
  • Number of overdue recalled items before block: 5
  • Limit of physical item requests: None
  • $20.00 processing fee for all lost or replaced materials.
  • Cost for replacement items is equal to the cost of the item, not a flat fee.
  • Overdue fines for items that have a status of Claimed Returned are suspended.
  • Overdue fines for items that are subsequently declared Lost are suspended. The patron is still charged the processing fee and the replacement cost.
  • Overdue fines for recalled items are set at $1.00 per day with a maximum fine of $15.00
By Patron Type


Tier 1: Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, Graduate Students, Dental School

  • Regular Circulating Collection:  16 weeks, unlimited renewals
  • Closed Stacks Collection: 3 weeks
  • Reserves and Equipment: 3 hours, 7 days, or end-of-day (depending on the material)
  • Non Circ: Cannot check out

Tier 2: Undergraduate Students, Retired, Support Staff, Academic Employees

  • Regular Circulating Collection:  8 weeks, unlimited renewals
  • Closed Stacks Collection: end-of-day
  • Reserves and Equipment: 3 hours, 7 days, or end-of-day (depending on the material)
  • Non Circ: Cannot check out

Tier 3: Local Low Privilege (Alumni, Friends of Lovejoy Library Members, Courtesy/Affiliate Borrowers)

  • Regular Circulating Collection:  4 weeks, 4 renewals
  • Closed Stacks Collection: end-of-day
  • Reserves and Equipment: Cannot check out
  • Non Circ: Cannot check out
By Location Type


Regular Circulating Collection: 

  • 16/8/4 weeks, depending on patron tier
  • All patron tiers can check materials out
  • No fines
  • No item limits
  • Materials can be internally requested/placed on hold
  • Materials can be requested through I-Share
  • Materials can be renewed

Closed Stacks Collection

  • 3 weeks/End-of-day, depending on patron tier
  • All patron tiers can check out materials
  • $1.00/day fine; max. fine $15.00
  • No item limits
  • Materials can be internally requested/placed on hold
  • Materials cannot be requested through I-Share
  • Materials cannot be renewed

Reserves and Equipment

  • 3 hours, 7 day, and end-Of-day, depending on material
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 can check out. Tier 3 cannot check out
  • 3 hour items: $1.00/hour fine, max. fine $15.00; 7 day items: $1.00/day fine; max. fine $15.00; end-of-day items: $20/hour, no max. fine
  • 3 item limit
  • Materials cannot be internally requested/placed on hold
  • Materials cannot be requested through I-Share
  • Materials cannot be renewed

Days to Lost:

-Reserves, Equipment, and Students Closed Stacks go lost at 7 days past due
-Regular stacks go lost at 30 days past due
-Faculty closed stacks go lost at 21 days past due

What is Alma Fulfillment?

Fulfillment is the term used in Alma to describe Circulation and the functions generally associated with that unit of the library. 

Many terms in Alma are slightly different than those we have been used to using with our Voyager system.  Below on this page is a short list of key fulfillment terms to be familiar with, as well as links to the CARLI Alma Glossary, as well as a two additional resources.

Other Fulfillment Resources:

CARLI: How to: Fulfillment in Alma

Ex Libris Alma Libguide: Fulfillment Tab

LIS Alma/PrimoVE Training Feedback Form

Below is a spreadsheet with multiple test patrons and multiple barcodes across Regular Stacks and Closed Stacks in Lovejoy Library.  Please use these to engage in hands on training on your own.

Thank you,

Shelly and Michele