Course Reserves are populated via requests received from faculty. Generally, these requests are received via a LibWizard survey accessible by faculty from the library's website. However, occasionally professors will bring materials to be placed on Reserves directly to the combined Information/Circulation desk, if this occurs please have them fill out the form below.
The primary purpose of this guide is to document the transition from Voyager to Alma as it relates to Reserves. The processing of Reserves looks very different in Alma as compared to Voyager but the initial steps to processing will remain the same, Reserves personnel will still receive requests via the LibWizard Survey or the paper form. From there the basic steps of item discovery and retrieval likewise stay the same. With Alma you have the option to add items from the catalog to a Reading List prior to physically locating the items, however this is not the preferred method at Lovejoy Library. For in-depth, detailed instructions on course and reading list creation and citation management, please see the included Alma Reserves Manual.